How To Keep a Synthetic Wig from Tangling? [5 Effective Methods]

Synthetic wigs are some of the most comfortable hairpieces that allow people to take a break from their natural hair or enjoy the beauty of a new style. 

When you buy a new synthetic wig, it looks so beautiful and glamorous that you fall in love and probably want to wear it at every opportunity. Sadly, it doesn’t remain that way. As time passes, your beautiful wig begins to tangle and get worn out, making it difficult to don your wig and look good with it.

Some people want to throw their synthetic wigs away once they begin to tangle, and some others struggle with finding the best way to manage the wig regardless. 

But have you ever wondered whether it is possible to prevent your lovely synthetic wig from becoming a tangled mess?

This post will guide you on how to keep your synthetic wig from tangling, but first, let’s begin by answering the ‘why’ question.

Top Rated Synthetic Wigs

Why Do Synthetic Wigs Tangle?

Do you even know why your synthetic wig tangles? It might not be for the reason you think, which means you might be fighting a non-existent problem.

So, what causes your synthetic wig to tangle? It could be many reasons, from the absence of oil to the wig material and quality.  

First, synthetic wigs are made from materials like plastics, acrylic, and polymer, all of which are prone to get tangled. However, heat-friendly synthetic materials are less prone to tangling. Then, the material quality comes into play, because a high-quality material will not be as prone to tangling as a low-quality material.

Lack of proper care is another major reason synthetic wigs tangle. When you are not oiling the wig frequently, it is bound to tangle. Also, poor handling and wrong care techniques can cause your synthetic wig to tangle.

So, how do you know that you’re caring for your synthetic wig the right way? We’ll be finding out shortly.

Aging is another common factor that affects synthetic wigs. The average synthetic wig has a lifespan of less than 1 year, and no matter how much you care for it, age will catch up with the wig, making its fibers fray. What follows is that your wig gets matted and tangled.

One common thing we don’t pay attention to is the rubbing of synthetic wigs against clothes and other surfaces. Many synthetic wigs tangle at the nape of the neck, and this might have to do with the clothes we wear, such as wooly clothes, heavy sweaters, and shirts or gowns with collars.

How To Keep a Synthetic Wig from Tangling?

Now that we know why our synthetic wigs get all tangled up, we’ll need to do our best to avoid them so that our wigs remain beautiful and glamorous for a very long time.

There are several techniques for preventing tangles in synthetic wigs, we brought you the 5 best technics that work best to keep a synthetic wig from tangling.

1. Steaming 

Steaming is a great way to keep your synthetic wig smooth and tangle-free. Once you have the right tool and knowledge, you can keep your synthetic wig tangle-free and in good condition for a reasonable amount of time.

Required Items 


Pick up your steamer and ensure that it’s releasing a good flow. Then, walk the steamer downwards through the hair while combing down the hair at the same time.

Glide the comb right along your steamer direction, and ensure to do this to all sides of the wig. What happens is that the steamer wets your synthetic wig fiber and heats it. Then, you pass the comb through easily and get any tangle or bunched end out.

Depending on the tip of your synthetic wig, you can use a smaller comb when you get to the end, so that it passes through the wig properly.


Steaming might be difficult for a first-timer, especially if you don’t have a video guide, so it is best to try steaming on an old wig in case you make a mistake during the process. You wouldn’t want to damage your new synthetic wig because of a learner’s mistake. 

Steaming often involves heat, which can damage some synthetic wigs, but when you use it carefully, you can straighten your hair and avoid heat damage. 

2. Washing 

Washing your synthetic wig the right way can go a long way to ensure that your synthetic wig does not tangle. You’ll not only need the right materials but you have to follow the right process as well. 

Required Items 


Add sufficient amounts of wig shampoo or a gentle detergent into a bowl/basin of cool water (follow the measurement on the bottle)

Gently place the wig into the water, swish it in slow movements, and take it up and down gently. (Avoid scrubbing or rubbing the wig)

You can leave the wig in the water for a few minutes before rinsing gently with cool water.

Bring the wig out and hold it over a sink or basin to let the water drain.

After that, place your wig on a Styrofoam head and air dry. (Avoid squeezing or rubbing with a towel)

Then, spray a good amount of wig sheen spray over the dry wig. This spray will make the wig slippery and allow you to comb it easily.

Use a wide-toothed comb to gently comb your wig working your way up the hairpiece as you smooth the hairs down. 


It is important to use the right shampoo on your synthetic wig because the wrong shampoo might negatively impact the quality of your wig fibers.

Many people make the mistake of scrubbing their wigs or squeezing them with a towel to hasten the drying process. This action is just a recipe for more tangles. 

3. Detangling spray

Using a detangling spray is an easy way to keep your synthetic hair free from tangles throughout the day. In a few simple steps, you can get your hair protected from tangling and matting.

Required Items 


Place your synthetic wig on a stand and then spray your wig detangler lightly on the tangled areas.

Then, use a brush or comb to comb through the wig beginning at the strands/ends and then work your way up to the top of the wig.

Once you comb the wig smoothly, your hair is ready!


Always follow the instructions on the detangler spray and make sure that it is meant for synthetic wigs before using it. Avoid excessively spraying the detangler so that the wig doesn’t get too wet or heavy.

4. Conditioner 

A hair conditioner for synthetic wigs mixed with water is a simple management technique for synthetic wigs to prevent tangling in a short time. 

Required Items


Place your synthetic wig on the wig stand.

Fill ¾ of the spray bottle with water and add ¼ of the conditioner and shake the mixture well. If you use a leave-in condition detangler spray, you don’t need to dilute it in water.

Wash your wig in cool water and let the hair drip off the water and dry slightly.

Squirt the mixed conditioner onto the bottom of your wigs and continue spraying up the top of the wig. Comb the hair little by little as you spray and continue the process until you comb through the entire wig. 

Leave the synthetic wig on the wig head and allow it to air dry.


If you find it difficult to follow this detangling process, the process may lead to hair loss. So, using a wig detangler might be an easier option.

Also, avoid brushing the wig too strongly because it would lead to wear and tear of the wig. 

5. Trimming 

Trimming is one way to handle a wig that has already tangled and you want to get the tangles out while extending its lifespan.

It is often the last resort when your lovely wig has gotten all tangled up but you still want to use it for a while longer before letting go of it. You can get one or two extra months of good use when you trim off the damaged parts. 

Required Items 


Place your synthetic wig on a wig stand and use several T pins to hold the wig down at the lace line and near the ears for a firm hold. 

Ensure that the wig stand is straight and the wig is also placed straight to avoid a mistaken asymmetrical haircut.

Brush or comb the wig gently to remove all tangles.

Measure the length of the wig you want to trim starting at the back of the wig.

Hold the hair flat between your index and middle fingers in small sections and then trim the hair at an angle of 45 degrees. You can also cut it straight, but that would give you blunt edges, so decide on what you want.

Trim the wig section by section until you have trimmed the entirety of your wig and all the ends are the same length.


Trimming your synthetic wig can be quite tricky, especially as it concerns getting the length right. Measure the length properly and make sure to trim only small portions. 

If you were to mistakenly trim the wig too short, there’s nothing you can do to replace the length, so trim carefully.

Visit a hairstylist to handle the trimming if you’re not sure you can do it right.

Final Comments:

Now you have several methods at your fingertips, and you can now protect your synthetic wigs from tangling. Remember, the longevity of your synthetic wig is all about caring for it right.

While it is inevitable that your synthetic wig will reach the end of its lifespan, you can do your best to keep it beautiful and smooth for a long time.