How often do you wash dreadlocks

How Often Do You Wash Dreadlocks? Is It OK to Wash Dreads Every Day?

One question that remains prominent amongst persons who keep dreadlocks and those interested in keeping locs is centered on washing dreadlocks. Often and again, you have people ask, ‘Do you wash dreads? And how should you watch them? Or how often should they be washed?’ This post will be answering your questions about how often…

How to Permanently Change Your Hair Texture

How to Permanently Change Hair Texture? [4 Natural Ways to Change Hair Texture]

Most people wonder whether they can change their hair texture permanently. While you can improve your hair texture, making a permanent change is dependent on several factors. Hair consistency, diet, stress level, and hormonal changes contribute to whether your hair texture will be smooth or rough. A healthy diet and lifestyle can also give you…

Shampoo that makes hair curly

Shampoo To Make Hair Curly [Top 5 Curling Shampoos] – Do They Really Work?

Wouldn’t that be easy if just shampooing our hair gave us banger curls? No heat treatments, no long hours in solon, and no extra spending of money. With one shampoo session, we would have gone from silky straight to bouncy curls. But is there really a shampoo out there in the market that makes the…

Neutralizing shampoo after coloring hair

Do You Need to Use Neutralizing Shampoo after Coloring Hair? [Pros & Cons]

Have you got your hair color recently? It’s certain that your hairstylist called you back for a neutralizing shampoo session. Neutralizing your hair is one of the most important steps of the hair coloring process. I have seen many people skip this step due to their reluctance to spend some extra bucks. As long as…